Exploiting Bend-Twist Coupling in Wind Turbine Control for Load Reduction (bibtex)
by Wiens, Marcus, Meyer, Tobias and Wenske, Jan
The ever-increasing dimensions of wind turbines are associated with higher structural loads. Therefore, there is a demand for advanced load reduction techniques. In the design of rotor blades, the bend-twist coupling effect is used for passive load reduction. This research shows how this effect can be augmented with active load reduction through controls that exploit bend-twist coupling. The twist rate of the rotor blades is utilized for gust detection. In addition to regular closed-loop pitch control, the twist rate is used to adjust the collective pitch angle using feedforward control. Extreme loads for flap-wise bending moment can be reduced on average by up to 6% and tower acceleration is reduced by 15%. Overall, this method is suitable for reducing extreme loads while maintaining fatigue damage compared to the reference case.
Wiens, M.; Meyer, T.; Wenske, J.: Exploiting Bend-Twist Coupling in Wind Turbine Control for Load Reduction. IFAC-PapersOnLine, volume 53, 2020.
Bibtex Entry:
howpublished={Conference Proceedings},
 author = {Wiens, Marcus and Meyer, Tobias and Wenske, Jan},
 year = {2020},
 abstract={The ever-increasing dimensions of wind turbines are associated with higher structural loads. Therefore, there is a demand for advanced load reduction techniques. In the design of rotor blades, the bend-twist coupling effect is used for passive load reduction. This research shows how this effect can be augmented with active load reduction through controls that exploit bend-twist coupling. The twist rate of the rotor blades is utilized for gust detection. In addition to regular closed-loop pitch control, the twist rate is used to adjust the collective pitch angle using feedforward control. Extreme loads for flap-wise bending moment can be reduced on average by up to 6% and tower acceleration is reduced by 15%. Overall, this method is suitable for reducing extreme loads while maintaining fatigue damage compared to the reference case.},
 title = {Exploiting Bend-Twist Coupling in Wind Turbine Control for Load Reduction},
 pages = {12139--12144},
 volume = {53},
 number = {2},
 issn = {2405-8963},
 journal = {IFAC-PapersOnLine},
 doi = {10.1016/j.ifacol.2020.12.781}
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